Messages from Twyning Chapel [No Flash Available]


Here are messages heard at Twyning Chapel during 2024. Right click on the title to download in MP3 format.

Sunday Sermons

21-07-2024  Romans 1    Peter Ashburton
30-06-2024  Ephesians 4 v1-2,17-32    Derick Fiske
23-06-2024  Ephesians 3 v3-14  Be rich   Derick Fiske
16-06-2024  1 Thess 4 & 5   A certain hope   Dave Kendrick
09-06-2024  Luke 3 v1-17   Receiving from the Lord   Dave Collett
02-06-2024  Luke 7 v41-48     Steve Wilcox
26-05-2024  Hebrews 4 v12   Every base covered   Mike Waldron
19-05-2024  Romans 5 v1-6   Hope   Emily Hastings
05-05-2024  Luke 15 v1-14   How far will God go   Chris Hewitt
28-04-2024  Mark 5 v1-20   Healing of the Demoniac   Bob Lillyman
21-04-2024  Philippians 1 v27-30   A life worthy of the Gospel   Rob Giles
14-04-2024  Luke 24 v36-48   Jesus Appears   Peter Hayes
31-03-2024  Luke 24 v13-33  The Saviour's Hands   Derick Fiske
29-03-2024  Galations 6 v14   Boosting in the cross   Chris Hewitt
24-03-2024  Luke 19   Triumphal Entry   Nick Watkins
17-03-2024  Luke 10 v38-42   Mary and Martha   Steve Cracknell
10-03-2024  Mark 5 v1-20   A New Prophet   Kevin Elliott
03-03-2024  Ephesians 4 21-24   Who do you think you are?   Beth Jackson
25-02-2024  Psalm 63   Pursuit of God   Andrew Whittaker
18-02-2024  Luke 9 v12-17   Jesus was resourceful   Keith paterson
11-02-2024  Psalm 90   Contracts   Mike Sledge
04-02-2024  Romans 12 v1-2   Pressure   John Drew
28-01-2024  Philippians 5 v5-11   Jesus humility and exultation   Graham Limbrick
14-01-2024  Psalm 98   Sing a new song   Barry Haigh